

Nocturne Eight Short Short Stories for Ode of Night 

  「極短篇」(short short story)在文學上是一種充滿實驗性與挑戰性的新興文體,在一九七○年代廣受討論並風行,試圖以最為精簡的文字,展現出機智性的意涵。作曲家意欲藉著極短篇的手法,抒寫對於「夜」的靜謐沁人。


Short short story, a new, experimenting genre popular in 1970s, tries to express quick-witted implication with simplest words. By means of short short story, the composer expresses the tranquility and refreshing effect of the “night”.

 The whole composition consists of eight parts: I. Darkness falls. Stars twinkle. II. Streetlight, seasoned millet mush. III. Cool night breeze gently blows. IV. The night leaps. V. Household lights embellish the night. VI. Silent night. VII. Sky in the night. VIII. In dreams. Every little musical event contains emotion and scenery. The atmosphere of “night”, exquisite “nocturne”, is composed of extreme register of each musical instrument in piano trio. The spirit of short short story, unitary profusion, is shown with modern techniques different from traditional sound and widely different yet consistent style in each part.

2004.5.24 台北國立台灣師範大學音樂系演奏廳

小提琴  / 岳孟瑾  大提琴  / 王心潔  鋼  琴  / 黃佳新



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